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TTSH uses Laser Acupuncture to Overcome Chemotherapy Side Effect

23 Dec 2014

In 2002, Zhang Jing Hua (58 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy, following which, she received chemotherapy. However, the side effects of the chemotherapy, which included headaches, nausea, vomiting, and pain throughout the body gave her much discomfort.

Following the recommendation of her sister, Zhang Jing Hua visited Tan Tock Seng Hospital Rehabilitation Centre to receive laser acupuncture treatment, which successfully helped to manage her pain. She received both traditional acupuncture and laser acupuncture treatment methods.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital Rehabilitation Centre has started using laser acupuncture since 2000. Approximately 10 patients per month are given this form of treatment, taking up 20% of the total patients who receive acupuncture. Currently, only One doctor in the centre performs Laser acupuncture. The centre plans to train more doctors in this area.

Dr Yan Hui Ling, the centre’s only consultant doctor who performs Laser acupuncture, says that through exciting the acupoints, the laser promotes cell multiplication, cell restoration and reduces inflammation and swelling. As the treatment process does not require penetrating of the skin with needles, it is painless and hygienic.

Dr Yan also explains that this form of acupuncture is most suitable for those afraid of needles and those undergoing blood thinning treatments. Laser acupuncture provides Mastectomy patients with an additional treatment option.

During mastectomy, the lymph nodes may be removed and may increase the risks of swelling and pain in the upper limbs. In the event of an infection, this is difficult to recover from fully. Since traditional acupuncture requires penetrating the skin, thus posing the risk of contracting Lymphedema, using Laser acupuncture in such scenarios can help to avoid such complications.

According to Dr Yan Hui Ling, patients have responded well to the Laser acupuncture treatments, which has succeeded in managing pain, nausea and other issues.

No side effects to date

Doctors employ different low-level lasers and different exposure timings to achieve different results. Generally, a Laser only needs to be pointed at an acupoint for several seconds. Since only Low-level Lasers are used, pointing the Laser beams at the acupoint for a longer period of time will not cause any harm to the patient. To date, no patients have shown any side effects from using this form of treatment.

Research overseas has shown that the effect of Laser acupuncture is not inferior to that of Traditional acupuncture. Why then has this form of treatment not been further promoted over the last 7 years?

According to Dr Jiang Qing Xi, Senior consultant of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department, this is because Laser acupuncture is a relatively new treatment form and is supported by limited literature. However, through their clinical experience, the rehabilitation centre has determined that this treatment form is effective to a certain extent and has decided to train more doctors to employ it. Dr Jiang is also one of the doctors who will be subsequently trained in Laser acupuncture.

Dr Jiang Qing Xi also expressed that the centre has not ruled out the possibility of conducting further clinical research on Laser acupuncture.

2013年新加坡针灸学会主办中医继续教育课程 Continue TCM Education 2013

Continue TCM Education 2013 Organized by Singapore Acupuncture Association


 2013 年中医继续教育课程 Continue TCM Education 2013.doc 

Call for Volunteer Acupuncturists

To All Members:

Since we have vacated the premises at Toa Payoh due to land acquisition by the Singapore Land Authority in July 2012, we have ceased our acupuncture service in conjunction with SAGE. However, in August 2012, we were given the opportunity to jointly organize acupuncture service with the Resident Committee of Hougang  to the residents. This is in line with our association’s objective to provide community service .  Currently, we carry out our acupuncture service at Blk 521 Hougang Ave 6    twice a week, i.e. every Wednesday 5pm- 7pm and Friday 7pm-9pm.  Ultimately,we may expand our service to other places.

As our resources are limited, I sincerely hope that other members could spend some times to  come forward to provide such community service. Members who are willing to assist are encourage to contact our Secretary Yeo Sin Tat our myself directly. Thank you.


Chew Say Yeow


Singapore Acupuncture Association



自 从 针灸学会七月份终止了与大巴窑乐龄之家联合举办的针灸服务后,我们得到后港居民委员会的邀请与支持,联合为居民举办针灸服务。 八月份我们在后港六巷. 大牌521的居民委员会开始提供针灸服务, 目前我们的时间表是每星期两天, 即星期三傍晚5点-7点与星期五晚上7点- 9点。此项合作体现了针灸学会在学会目标下为社区服务的精神, 学会也可能在将来增设服务地点。

由于我们学会的资源有限,我希望其他会员能够拨出一点时间为社区, 也为学会服务,有意参与这项服务的会员可联络学会秘书杨新达医师或我本人, 谢谢!







Chew Say Yeow   90023399

Yeo Sin Tat   91171313


美国的张晓玫教授于2013年2月份不幸过世,美国腹针医学会于2月26日在美国加州举行追思会。张晓玫教授生前是美国腹针医学会前任会长,为了推广针灸在美国的发展出了很多的力,尤其是在腹针研究和发展方面。张晓玫教授为人和蔼可亲,总是带着笑容,去年八月在北京第四届国际腹针学术研讨会见面时,她提议日后海外的针灸医师应该多多和我们新加坡针灸学会联系,搞学术交流。可惜心愿未成,人已随鹤而归。但她的精神,让我们敬佩。我们此刻以沉痛的心情,向张晓玫教授的家属慰问, 并祝福她在天之灵,得以安息。





研修班照片 Beijing 17-23 August, 2012

世界中联学术部通讯 (2013年度第一期)

尊敬的各位专家/Honorable Professors,


Before the arrival of Chinese New year, the staffs of the academic exchange Department of WFCM wish your health, happiness and success in the next year. Thank you for your support in the year of 2012 and we hope you can continue in the 2013.

世界中联近期将组织活动通知如下:We will organize these activities as follows:

一、首届世界中医药学会联合会中医药交流与合作亚太论坛(2013. 马来西亚.砂劳越.诗巫)
The First TCM Forum on Asia-Pacific Exchange & Co-operation of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(2013. Sibu. Sarawak. Malaysia)
五、人才推荐工作Recommending eligible doctors
六、 中医儿科名老中医学术经验传承高级研讨班(2013•南京)
八、世界中联脉象研究专业委员会第四届学术年会(2013. 马来西亚.砂劳越.诗巫)

一、首届世界中医药学会联合会中医药交流与合作亚太论坛(2013. 马来西亚.砂劳越.诗巫)
The First TCM Forum on Asia-Pacific Exchange & Co-operation of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(2013. Sibu. Sarawak. Malaysia)
For strengthen of the exchange and cooperation among Chinese medicine and other Asian counties’ medicines, promoting the developing of Chinese medicine in Asian, therefore, making greater contributions to the health of mankind. The “1th TCM Forum on Asia-Pacific Exchange & Co-operation of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies” will organize by WFCMS in April 20-21, 2013 in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Through build the exchanges and cooperation platform of International Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) , the integration of academic resources to improve the academic standards of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), quality of service, security and accessibility. The forum is organized by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS),hosted by Sibu Drug Merchants' Association, Malaysia and co-hosted by Southern University College Malaysia.




五、人才推荐工作Recommending eligible doctors
In recent years, the Dept. of Talent Exchange and Cooperation of WFCMS has actively carried out the international exchange and cooperation of talents regarding medical care, education, management, etc. of the Chinese Medicine, and built up some cooperation relationship and bridges to select and dispatch the talents of the Chinese Medicine. Please assist the Talent Exchange and Cooperation Dept. of our Federation in recommending eligible doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine to work in Switzerland and other countries outside P.R. China. Please download attachment.

六、 中医儿科名老中医学术经验传承高级研讨班(2013•南京)


八、世界中联脉象研究专业委员会第四届学术年会(2013. 马来西亚.砂劳越.诗巫)




经研究决定,世界中医药学会联合会眼科专业委员会第四届学术年会暨中国中西医结合学会眼科专业委员会第十二届中西医结合学术年会暨中华中医药学会眼科分会第十二届中医眼科学术年会将于2013 年5 月中旬在中国济南召开。本次会议的主题是“传承、创新、开放、交融、提升”,会议具体内容请点击:



电话:010-58650042 58650242




为期两天的“2012年国际针灸经络学术研讨会学术研讨会” 于2012年11月23- 24日在广州举行。200余位针灸专家和学者参加了这次国际学术研讨会。这次大会由广州中医药大学,广东省中医院,广东省中医药科学院,广东省针灸学会, 配合了中国国家973计划项目“经脉体表特异性联系的生物学机制及针灸手法量效关系的研究”而主办。新加坡针灸学会除了派出代表出席了会议外, 也是这次大会的协办单位。


会议上,许多资深专家纷纷发表他们的研究心得,尤其是对针灸经络本质,循证临床实践与临床功效的研究。大会论文汇 编收集了200多编研究心得。在会议上,新加坡针灸 学会会长周世耀也发表了对针灸展望的看法,并接受了广东省针灸学会的邀请成为该会的理事顾问。会后,代表们参加了三天由符文彬教授,左常波教授等名专家所 主讲的针灸临床特色疗法的培训班,以提升这方面的专业水平。


开幕仪式当天,出席大会的嘉宾包括中国国家中医药管理局代表,中国国家973 计划项目首席科学家朱兵,梁繁荣,吴焕金, 许能贵等教授,中国针灸学会原会长 李维衡,广东省中医院院长陈达灿,广州中医药大学黄斌, 以及多名来中国国内和海外针灸专家。

两次违规开药方 针灸师遭纪律处分



杨漾 报道 (联合早报)


  注册针灸师陈江河(63岁)之前在德普岭购物中心内的保康药行工作。早在2007年,他擅自为病人开出一些橙红色药丸,但该病人在服用后产生“史蒂芬强森症候群”(Steven-Johnson Syndrome)症状,很可能对病人造成严重后遗症,甚至致命。





  中医管理委员会昨天发表文告指出,调查组查证后,确定陈江河的行为抵触了中医注册法令、中医执业者(执业、品行及道德)条例以及道德准则规定。他已从今年2月1日起,吊销针灸师执照三年,并需偿还所有法律研讯费用,同时罚款一万元。 管委会也要求他提供书面承诺,保证今后将不再明知故犯。



Man gets 3-year ban on practising acupuncture

The Straits Times

Published on Feb 28, 2012


HE WAS not licensed to prescribe or dispense medicine, yet acupuncturist Tan Kang Hok did so on a few occasions.

In January 2010, one of his patients had an allergic reaction to an orange-red pill he prescribed and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a life-threatening skin condition.

Now, Mr Tan's registration as an acupuncturist has been suspended for three years for flouting the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners Act, said the TCM Practitioners Board in a press statement yesterday.

The acupuncturist from Poh Kong Medical Hall at Depot Height Shopping Centre will not be allowed to practise for three years starting from Feb 1.

In January 2010, the Health Sciences Authority referred Mr Tan to the TCM Practitioners Board after it discovered that he had prescribed the orange-red pill to a patient, said Mrs Chuo-Ng Peck Hiang, executive secretary of the board.

The pill was found to contain Piroxicam, a controlled substance under the Poisons Act.

While investigating the matter, the board found that Mr Tan had prescribed Xia Yao Wan, a kind of Chinese medicine, to another patient. Not only that, he had not maintained proper and accurate records of what kind of treatment he had given the patient.

In its statement, the TCM Practitioners Board said Mr Tan was warned in 1997 over a similar incident.

Mrs Chuo-Ng said the board's investigation committee had completed its probe last December and found that Mr Tan had breached both the Act and the Ethical Codes and Ethical Guidelines for TCM Practitioners.

Hence, he would be suspended. The TCM Practitioners Board, which regulates the industry, also censured him and fined him $10,000. On top of that, Mr Tan would have to pay for the expenses incurred by the board during the investigation into his case.

He also has to provide a written undertaking that he will not prescribe, dispense or give any form of medicine to his patients in the future.

The TCM Practitioners Board could not give details about the health condition of Mr Tan's two patients.

But Mrs Chuo-Ng said the case was one of the more serious the board had dealt with.

There have been suspensions of other TCM practitioners over the years, with most suspensions ranging from three months to six months, she said.  ----THAM YUEN-C