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Brief History


1977年8月3日新加坡针灸医学协会(1998年改为新加坡针灸学会)在社团法令注册批准下正式成立. 迄今2007年巳有30年的历史. 当时的发起人是五位西医和五位针灸师. 首任会长是张玉华医师.


本会以促进并鼓励针灸医学之研究与知识为宗旨,包括科学方面之探讨与鼓励., 以及对针灸哲理, 针术和实践方面之研究; 同时对于诸如导致此学术之发扬光大与科学方面之进展.


1977年创会时的会所设在20号, 鸟节路, 烈塔楼.

1978年9月迁至208号, 二楼 鸟节路, 邵氏大厦

1982年本会自置会所于社团大厦二楼一号, 基里马路,16巷.

2006年6月本会会所迁至19号, 大巴窑西.


1984年4月19日开始至1991年止本会在各社区开展社会活动, 广设针灸医疗服务于以下八间民众联络所内:

1.     麟记民众联络所

2.     后港罗弄亚苏民众联络所(并设有激光戒烟服务)

3.     裕廊民众联络所

4.     丹戎巴葛民众联络所

5.     欧南苑民众联络所

6.     加基武吉民众联络所

7.     崇文民众联络所

8.     金殿民众联络所

1991年由于本会会所成立的针灸医疗服务的医师不足,故上述活动宣告停止, 以集合所有在联络所服务的医师回到本会使提供更完善的针灸服务.


1986年4月1日本会正式成立针灸学院. 第一任院长由本会永久会员王善平医师担任. 学院至今2007年仍由王善平医师兼任会长继续主持. 学院除开设初,高级针灸班及针灸师培训班外, 并经常开办各种针灸课程, 如: 美容针灸班, 双手行针班, 耳针, 头皮针, 眼针, 子午流注, 腹针疗法 ,小儿推拿班,中药班, 药膳班等等.


本会非常荣幸能邀请到在中医及针灸学术界有名望的前辈或教授为我会主办的学术座谈会主讲. 特别值得一提的有:

*台湾针灸协会会长吴惠平博士, 于1984年5月20日主讲针灸医学的前景.

*中国针灸学会理陈全新教授, 于1986年10月5日主讲飞针疗法.

*中国气功双手行针发明者黄仲林教授, 于1994年4月1日在中华总商会大礼堂 讲解”生物空间医学”, 出席      者近五百人, 场面极为热闹.

*中国腹针疗法发明者薄智云教授, 于2000年12月10日在豪胜大酒店主讲腹针疗法并获得良好的反应.

* 中国著名的易医刘杰教授于2003年1月份在本会会所主讲"八卦针经的应用".


由于本会前辈黄道深会长不幸于1993年3月16日逝世, 享年65岁. 理事会一致通过推举副会长周伟雄医师接任会长.


1995年5月本会受邀参加新加坡中医团体协调委员会, 并获选为查帐.


1995年12月为遵循新加坡卫生部之规定, 特为会员办理”中医师与针灸师入册”填报工作. 总共收集到85份填报表格, 悉数呈交中医团体协调委员会.


1995年12月1日本会为提升针灸师水平, 特别开办”针灸医师专业水平培训班” , 学员多为开业针灸师. 每周上课七天至1996年11月30日止. 培训总学时为1050小时. 课程内容包括中医基础理论, 中医诊断学, 针灸学, 正常人体解剖学临床取穴与针法灸法操作及临床病例辩证论治.

1997年创立属下机构 “新加坡针灸施诊中心”

本会为了发扬针灸医学和竖立为贫苦百姓服务的精神特成立了新加坡针灸施诊中心. 1997年9月8月正式被新加坡社团注册局批准为慈善团体. 该中心的主要理事和义务针灸师和医师都是来自本会针灸学院之学员和本会的会员. 2010年因资源不足而解散。


1998年5月17日的第一次特别会员大会通过了本会之中文名称由”新加坡针灸医学协会” 改为 “新加坡针灸学会”. 此乃配合世界其他针灸学会中文惯用名称之故. 至于英文名称则照旧不改.


*本会于1997年3月联合中国国际针灸考试中心在新加坡举办”国际针灸专业人员水平考试” 专为本主办之笫一届针灸医师专业水平培训班.进行考试  参加上述考试者共36人, 合格者34人, 其中16人取得甲等证书.


*1997年8月3日本会在新大谷酒店的凤凰厅庆祝上述培训班考获国际专业证书, 并荣幸邀请到国会议员王家园博士来主持颁发证书仪式.


 注: 中国国际针灸考试中心是中国国家中医药管理局批准成立的下属机构.其宗旨是严格客观检测中医针炙从业员的专业素质. 自成立至1997年巳为世界各地举办70余次考试, 受到世界卫生组织WHO的支持和指导.


在新加坡本会是第一个团体所培训的学员参加上述的考试. 据悉是该中心举办考试以来成绩最优异的一次. 这是本会的荣誉.

* 1999年3月本会的5名学员前往北京考试中心赴考. 成绩是3名获得甲等证书,  2名获得乙等证书. 全部及格.

* 2000年3月本会豹3名英文班学员赴北京考试. 成绩是1名获得甲等证书,2名获得乙等证书. 全部合格.


1999年4月1日周伟雄医师因健康的理由辞去会长职务, 故由副会长王善平医师接任. 本会全体理事对周伟雄医师在任期间所作出的贡献表示万分感激.




本会正式被接受为” 世界针灸学会联合会” 会员



注: 世界针灸学会联合会(简称世界针联)是与世界卫生组织建有正式工作关系的非政府性针灸团体的国际联合组织, 总部设在中国首都北京. 其宗旨是促进世界针灸界之间的了解和合作, 加强国际间的学术交流, 进一步发展针灸科学, 为人类的健康做出贡献.



· 将以本身的特点综合世界各地之趋势发展针灸医学.

· 主办中,英文经络, 穴位, 针灸普及班使民众正碓认识中医针灸.

· 主办针灸师提升班, 培训针灸师参加世界针联主办的国际针灸师证书.

· 主办各种针灸特色疗法.

· 广招本地会员及海外会员共同推广本会会务及发扬针灸医学.



本学会经国家卫生部管属的中医管理委员会的认可, 由2013年开始主办各项中医继续教育的课程让本会会员及非会员上课, 提升学术水平及获取学分。





本届理事会名单( 2014年 – 2016年)

会长: 周世耀




























 医学学术顾问      薄智云教授




Brief History of the Singapore Acupuncture Association


Establishment of Singapore Acupuncture Association
The Singapore Acupuncture Association was established and registered on 3rd August 1977 with the Registry of Societies. The founders were five western doctors and five acupuncturists. Its first President was Mr.Chang Yok Wah. Our members include Chinese, Malay and Indian acupuncturists.




Our Objective

To promote, encourage the study and knowledge of Acupuncture.

This includes the promotion, encouragement of scientific investigation and research into the philosophy, technique and practice of acupuncture, and to all such things likely to lead to the integration of knowledge growth,dissemination and the improvement of the science.



Acupuncture services to Community Centre
The Association has been providing acupuncture treatment service at its premises. Besides, it had provided acupuncture services at the following Community Centre from 19th April 1984 to sometime in 1999.


1.    Leng Kee Community Centre

2.    Hougang Lorong Ah Soo Community Centre

3.    Jurong Community Centre

4.    Tanjong Pagar Community Centre

5.    Outram Park Community Centre

6.    Bukit Kakit Community Centre

7.    Chong Boon Community Centre

8.     Kim Tian Community Centre



Establishment of School of Acupuncture
On 1st April 1986, the Association established School of Acupuncture with Mr. Ong Ping Sian as its first Principal. The School conducted two-year part time acupuncture course in both Chinese and English languages. In addition, the School has also organized various related courses and has also invited well known TCM doctors and acupuncturists from overseas to give talks and conduct courses to our members on regular basis.



Auditor for The Singapore Traditional Chinese Organization Coordinating Committee

The Association was appointed as Auditor by the above mentioned organization as from May 1995.  This organization comprising six TCM societies, of which, the Association is one of the component members, is recognized by the Ministry of Health, Singapore.



Participation in International Proficiency Examination for Professional Acupuncturist

The examination  is conducted by the China International Acupuncture Moxibustion Examination Centre (Beijing) periodically. In order to encourage our members to participate in the above mentioned Examination, the Association had since 1996 initiated a one year daily intensive course. It was the first batch of acupuncturists that was trained by us in Singapore to take part in the above mentioned Examination which was held locally in March 1997.


We wish to highlight that the China International Acupuncture Examination Centre is supported and under the guidance of WHO.


In 1996, a total of 36 members participated in the Examination and the result was remarkable. 34 participants passed with 16 of them obtaining A level.


In March 1999, the Association sent five members to Examination Centre in Beijing to take part in the Examination.  The result was all passed with three members obtaining A level.


In March 2000, three members from English class took the Examination in Beijing. The result was all passed with one member obtaining A level.



Establishment of the Acupuncture Charitable Centre (Singapore)

The Association formed a subsidiary called the Acupuncture Charitable Centre (Singapore) in September 1997. The purpose of forming this Centre is to provide acupuncture service to the poor and needy families in Singapore with cheaper consultation and treatment fees. However, as from year 2010 the Centre ceased operation due to shortage of sources.



Member of WFAS since 9th November 1999

The Association was unanimously accepted as a World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies member at the second session of the Fourth Executive Committee of WFAS, on November 9th  1999.

Note: WFAS has etablished official working relatonship with WHO. It is a non-governmental, international joint organization of acupuncture societies, with its head-office set up in Beijing China. It's aim is to promote the understanding and cooperation among world acupuncture circles, enchance the international  academic exchanges, develop further the science of acupuncture, make contributions to the health of mankind.



Licensed Acupuncturists

The Association assisted our members to register as licensed acupuncturist and TCM physician as required by the law of Ministry of Health, Singapore which was enforced on 1st January 2002.


Continuing TCM Education Programme

In line with the policy of TCM Practitioners Board of Singapore, our Association is recongized by the Board to organize courses as from year 2013 for our members and non-members to attend in order to up grade their standard and obtain points accordingly.



Board of Committee Members (2014 - 2016)  



Chew Say Yeow
Vice President:                 
Oh Hoe Peng
Secretary :                       
Yeo Sin Tat
Ong Ping Sian
Committee Members:


Kok Choon Siong

Choo Led Sin  (Vice Sercretary) 

Chua Lee Eng (Vice Treasurer)

Lim Bee Choo 

Chow Yuen Pin

Chen Xiao Juan



Kwah Kim Soon

Chu Yik Men

Legal Advisor:                   

Lawyer J. S. Yeh

Lawyer Lawrence Lang

Honorable President:         


Ong Ping Sian

Lee Teng Kian 

Honarable Advisor: Wong Swee Chun

 Medical Advisor                   Professor Bo Zhi-yun 

                                           Professor Hu Guang