Singapore Acupuncture Association
致: 全体会员
龙年转眼就过, 迎来的是蛇年。本会会长及全体理事衷心祝愿大家在新的一年事业猛进,身体安康。会长及全体理事亦诚心邀请您及家属出席一年一度的新春团拜并共享自助餐。餐后大家还可以在卡拉OK室大展歌喉使团拜更有气纷。请您携带自己爱唱的光盘播唱。
地点: 后港六巷, 大牌521 的居委会内. (亦是学会的针灸服务中心)
目期:2013年2月24日 (星期日)
时间: 中午十二点开始至三点。
To: All Members
Year 2013 Notice of Lunar New Year Gathering
As the year of Snake is just around the corner, our President and all committee members would like to wish you all prosperity and excellent health in the coming new year.
You and your family members are also cordially invited to attend our annual Lunar New Year Buffet Gathering.
After the lunch, you can sing your heart out in the KTV room so as to have a more enjoyable and fun making gathering. Please along your favorite DVD disc for singing during the gathering.
Venue: Blk 521, Hougang Ave 6, Resident Committee ( Also our acupuncture service centre)
Date: 24th February 2013 (Sudnay)
Time : 12.00 noon - 3.00pm
Your punctuality in attending this Gathering is deeply appreciated.
Invite by President and committee members with best wishes.
27th January 2013