Home > Calendar > 中秋节聚会


22 Sep 2013

本会会长及全体理事诚意邀请会员及家属出席本会主办的中秋节聚会. 欢迎会员们携带月


聚会亦有卡拉OK 的节目, 故请各位会员带自己的卡拉光盘以便播放和引亢高歌.

日期, 时间和地点如下:


日期: 22日9月2013年 (星期日)

时间: 下午一点至五点

地点: 新加坡针灸学会针灸服务中心

大牌521, 后港六巷

门牌#01-37 (居民委员会办公处内)

邮区: 530521


Our President and all committee members sincerely invite you and your family members to

participate our Mid- Autumn Gathering. We shall be appreciated if you can bring along some

moon cake and other foods etc. to the Gathering and also hoping that members can exchange

views and know each other better during this event.

Our Gathering also provide Karaoke singing session. Please bring along your favorite karaoke

disc so that we would be able to enjoy your songs and singing.

The venue, date and time are as follows:

Venue: SAA- Acupuncture Centre.

Blk 521, Hougang Ave 6

#01-37 ( Residents Committee unit)

Singapore 530521


Date: 22

Sept 2013

Time: From 1.00pm to 5.00pm