Preliminary study on auricular points combined with Abdominal Acupuncture
This article is published in the Symposium of The First International Seminar of Abdpominal Acupuncture at Guangzhou, China on 20th August 2005
我会会员于2005年8月20日在中国, 广州举办的首屈腹针国际学术研讨会所刊登的论文
杨新达医师 (杨氏针灸中医诊疗所, 新加坡)
Yeo Sin Tat (S T Yeo Acupuncture Service. Singapore)
Based on the theory of the convert position of embryo in the ear as proposed by French Dr. P.Nogier in early 50 ’s, the writer believes that there is also a Shanque (RN8), Guanyuan (RN4) and Zhongwan (RN12) along the ear Cymba Conchae Auriculae.
Abdominal Acupuncture emphasizes on the Ren Meridian especially Zhongwan (RN12) and Guanyuan (RN4) which indicate Heaven and Earth respectively, thereby stipulates our body energy. The writer has discovered that after applying Abdominal Acupuncture on patients, the energy would start to flow and if ear Zhongwan and Guanyan are inserted with needles, the body energy will be increased and thus shorten the period of recovery. A case in point, patient Mr. Wang has suffered from cervical spondylopathy with symptoms of numbness on his left hand and sometimes dizziness for many years. When Abdominal Acupuncture was applied he felt energy flow from shoulder to hand and finger tips.However, when the auricular points of Zhongwan and Guanyan of the ear were inserted with needles, he could feel the energy on his stomach and flow down to Huiyin (RN1) After the treatment, he felt more energetic and the symptoms have greatly reduced. Thus, the writer feels that Abdominal Acupuncture if combined with auricular points shall be able to produce better result and hopes that more Acupuncturists apply this method in order to obtain more concrete experiences for the benefit of patients.
1. 耳朵的神厥,中脘,关元.
耳朵不是一个孤立的器官, 它和全身各部及五脏六腑及经络系统都有着紧密联系.六阳脉行于耳, 六阴脉达于耳, 有关的资料在古代的医学文献经典中有不少记载. 这里不再赘述.但是值得重视的是五十年代法国医学博士P.Nogier提出的倒置胎儿投影学说.
既然是胎儿的投影就必定有肚脐即神厥. 其位置应当于耳甲艇5区和6区之间即十二指肠与小肠之间在耳中(耳轮1区)对上的一个穴位. 以此神厥为准再定耳朵中脘和关元. 中脘的位置应当于耳甲艇4区和5区之间即胃与十二指肠之间. 关元的位置应当于耳甲艇6区和7区之间即小肠与大肠之间.以上穴位皆符合局部解剖位置即神厥的解剖位置在脐窝正中,深部为小肠. 中脘的解剖位置在腹白线上,深部为幽门部. 关元的解剖位置在腹白线上,深部为小肠. (如下列示意图):
2. 腹针的神厥调控系统
薄智云教授的腹针基础理论神厥调控系统给于笔者很大的启示. 正如薄教授所提出的腹针以神厥布气假说为核心形成的一个微针系统来治疗全身疾病.尤其以腹部的中脘穴和关元穴为主的天地针几乎是治疗一切病的常用穴. 因此两穴合用可激发先天和后天之经气并具有补脾肾之功能. 有鉴于此理论, 笔者除了应用腹针疗法之外还大胆地在耳朵的中脘和关元给于针刺以激发患者之经气来加强腹针的疗效.效果碓实令人满意.
3. 临床个案
王富雄,身份证号码:S0228099.男, 58岁,新加坡人, 公司总裁.
2003年6月20日就诊.自述颈椎骨质增生多年, 近来感到左手臂麻痹加剧,记忆力下降,时感眩晕.
治疗:取穴天地针,石关(双),商曲( 双),滑肉门三角(左),气穴(双)
再用1寸32号毫针浅刺双耳中脘, 关元, 患者立刻感到自腹部到会阴有 一 股热流心滚动,非常舒服.有如充电感. 留针30分钟, 起针后,患者自述精神充沛, 手臂麻痹减轻. 后每日针刺一次. 共针两个疗程. 症状减轻. 患者经常出国公干. 但每次返新后都主动前来针刺, 因他觉得腹针不但能治愈其慢性病而且也不失为一种很好的保健法.
笔者选王富雄之病例为个案分析 , 主要是他的经络系统敏感而且气感强. 故可证实应用腹针后再加耳针其疗效更为显著,是行之有效的针法.
如笔者所假定的耳朵神厥,中脘,关元可以认同的话.则其他任脉的穴位如天突, 膻中, 鸠尾, 上脘, 气海, 长强等亦应有迹可寻.若能很准碓地找出这些穴位,相信亦能加强腹针的疗效.
笔者对以上想法尚在肤浅阶段,并且还在不断摸索中. 希望前辈, 同道不吝指正,并共同探讨腹针结合耳穴针法的疗效.