Home > Publications > 腹针在新加坡开展情况简介


作者 杨新达   新加坡针灸学会秘书长


2000年4月间, 在北京举办了国际传统医药大会. 我们一行人十多名会员代表新加坡针灸学会(Singapore Acupuncture Association)参加大会. 在会中薄智云教授发表了腹针疗法并现场示范针刺了一名腰痛的出席者, 取得立竿见影的疗效. 会后我与马耒西亚的张木华医师报名参加薄教授在北京举办的六日腹针疗法学习班.  我很荣幸成为薄教授在新加坡的第一位学生而张木华医师是薄教授在马来西亚的第一位学生. 从此,我们与薄教授结了不解之缘.


同年8月, 我与新加坡针灸学会会长王善平医师赴北京会见薄教授洽谈并正式礼聘薄教授到新加坡讲学. 2000年12月中旬, 薄教授抵达新加坡并于次日在豪胜大酒店举行腹针疗法发布会. 当天的出席者众多,济济一堂. 会后报名参加学习班的共有六十位. 分为白天与晚上两班上课. 另外又再举办一次英浯的腹针学习班,共有数十名学员参加. 同时, 薄教授也不断在临床上提供指导,使学员能结合理论与实践. 此外, 薄教授又接受本地记者的采访.并于2000年12月30日在本地的联合晚报以大篇幅刊登薄教授的相片和介绍腹针疗法. 之后 ,寻求簿教授的诊治者更是络绎不绝. 2001年1月份, 新加坡针灸学会成立了腹针研究小组, 以薄教授为我会的学术顾问, 共同推广腹针疗法.


2001年12月下旬, 世界针灸联合会会议在新加坡举行. 薄教授在大会发表腹针的论文, 再度引起各国医师的注意和重视. 会后, 新加坡针灸学会再次组织腹针学习班和提升班,共近四十位医师参加. 薄教授在这期间不留遗力,再次亲自指导学员使大家获益良多.此后由于薄教授忙于欧洲意大利各地讲学又要兼顾和培训中国国内大批的医师们, 实在无法抽空到新加坡讲学. 为此, 学会只好多次安排学员赴北京参加学习班.


新加坡针灸学会于1997年所成立的一间新加坡针灸施诊中心( Acupuncture Charitable Centre Singapore)于1999年间与新加坡乐龄活动联会(Singapore Action Group of Elders) 联办针灸诊疗所(ACCS-SAGE Acupuncture Clinic) 为中下阶层群众提供收费大众化的针灸服务. 此联合诊所日后亦成为学员和医师提供腹针疗法的临床实习基地. 从2001年开始至今,在联合诊所服务的义务针灸医师或自行开业的医师在腹针疗法的应用上最为优秀的医师有以下几位:


   医师姓名                           开业诊所名称

1. 张木华                       新华针灸医务所 (马来西亚)

2. 蔡振坤                       冠华针灸医药保健中心

3. 郭少芳                       冠华针灸医药保健中心

4. 姚玉新                       林真中医诊所

5. 杨朝吉                       新华针灸医务所 (新加坡)

6. 潘炎坤                       新华针灸医务所 (新加坡)

7. 施皓鸾                       新亚针灸医药中心

8. 陈赛凤                       復华针灸医药所

9. 吴秀明                       秀明医务所

10. 蔡松发                     达仁中医推拿中心


据笔者所知, 张木华医师和蔡振坤医师以腹针治疗疑难杂症及慢性病见称. 郭少芳医师以腹针治疗皮肤病及美容和减肥为主.至于其他上述的医师皆对腹针疗法都各有心得和独到之处. 此外,尚有许多医师结合腹针疗法来治病也取得很好的疗效.其实自从薄教授到我国传授腹针疗法之后,已有不少本地中医针灸界的同道开始广泛地采用此疗法, 他们的心得和宝贵的临床经验未能在此尽录.


2005年4月12日,笔者应新加坡中医药专业中心 (TCM Professional  Centre) 之邀请为学员讲解一节腹针疗法, 引起大家对腹针疗法极大的兴趣. 有鉴於腹针疗法的稳定发展与推广, 新加坡针灸学会及其腹针研究小组都深信这种无痛, 疗效显著, 作用快捷的腹针疗法必定会在新马,东南亚地区继续发扬光大, 更为广大病患者所乐意接受的一种新针灸疗法.


Brief Report on Abdominal Acupuncture Development In Singapore
By Yeo Sin Tat - Secretary of Singapore Acupuncture Association
Date: 9th May 2005       


In April 2000, the International Congress on Traditional Medicine was held in Beijing and were attended by ten members representing Singapore Acupuncture Association. During the Congress, Professor Bo gave a speech on Abdominal Acupuncture. He also demonstrated the treatment on the spot on a back pain participant and the healing effect was instant. When the Congress was over, Dr. Teoh Mooh Hwa from Malaysia and I enrolled for the six-day course of Abdominal Acupuncture conducted by Professor Bu in Beijing. Thus both Dr Teoh and I are honored to be Professor Bo’s first student in Malaysia and Singapore respectively. This marks the beginning of our ever lasting relationship with Professor Bo.Four months later, the President of Singapore Acupuncture Association Dr. Ong Peng Sian and I flew to Beijing to meet Prof. Bo and had successfully invited him to give a talk in Singapore. In mid December 2000, Prof. Bo arrived  in Singapore and gave a talk on Abdominal Acupuncture at Allson Hotel on the following day upon arrival. The conference room was almost filled to its full capacity by audience. Subsequently, 60 participants were registered for the course conducted in day and night sessions. In addition, an English class was also organized for more than 10 students.Prof .Bo conducted the course with theory and practical, especially with empirical guidance. Besides conducting courses, Prof. Bo also accepted interview by local journalist. On 30 December 2000,the local Chinese media Lian He Wan Bao published the photo of Prof. Bo with an article introducing the theory of Abdominal Acupuncture discovered by him, Thereafter, many patients sought treatments from Prof. Bo. In January 2001, in order to promote Abdominal Acupuncture in Singapore, an Abdominal Acupuncture Research Group with Prof. Bo as Adviser was established by Singapore Acupuncture Association.


In late December 2001, the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxiibustion Societies(WFAS) conference was held in Singapore. Prof. Bo gave a speech on Abdominal Acupuncture during the conference and this again had gained tremendous attention of Chinese physicians from various countries. When the conference was over, about 40 Chinese physicians registered for the elementary and advance course on Abdominal Acupuncture. During this period, we had made great strides and progress as Prof. Bo spared no effort in teaching us and guiding us personally. Thereafter, Prof. Bo was very much tied-up with his teachings and lectures in Italy, Europe and even concurrently in China for a large group of Chinese physicians. As Prof Bu was unable to spare time for Singapore  due to heavy commitments, we had had to make arrangements for the students to attend his courses in Beijing.


In 1997, Singapore Acupuncture Association established Acupuncture Charitable Centre (Singapore) and in 1999 this Centre joint ventured with Singapore Action Group of Elders to form a joint clinic known as ACCS-SAGE Acupuncture Clinic for the purpose of serving the middle and lower income group of people with acupuncture service by collecting minimum fee. This clinic has provided an opportunity for practicing Abdominal Acupuncture on patients by our volunteered Chinese physicians as well as full time Acupuncturists by profession. The following are the outstanding Chinese Physicians/Acupuncturists accredited with Abdominal Acupuncture.


Name of Chinese Physicians                          Name of Clinics

1.   Teoh Mooh Hwa                         Sin Hwa Acupuncture Centre (Malaysia)

2.   Chua Chin Koon                          Kuang Wah Acupuncture Centre

3.   Quek Siow Fong                          Kuang Wah Acupuncture Centre

4.   Yeo Khek Sing                            Lim Zheng Traditional Chinese Medical Hall

5.   Yeo Teow Kiat                            Sin Hwa Acupuncture Centre (Singapore)

6.   Poon Yim Kuan                           Sin Hwa Acupuncture Centre (Singapore)

7.   Sie Ho Lan                                   Xin Ya Acupuncture Centre

8.  Tan Sai Hong                                Fu Hua Acupuncture & Chinese Medical Hall

9.  Ng SiewMin                                 Siew Min Chinese Physician Service

10.Tjai Chong Huat                           Daren Chinses Physician Centre

As far as I know, Dr. Teoh Mooh Hwa and Dr. Chua Chin Koon are well known for treating difficult ailments and chronic diseases with Abdominal Acupuncture. Dr. Quek Siow Fang are skilled in skin disease, beauty and body slimming. As for the other Chinese Physicians listed above, each has his/her own merits on practicing Abdominal Acupuncture. It is understood that many Chinese Physician are combining the methods of Abdominal Acupuncture with their own skills and have obtained good results. And as matter of fact, many local Chinese physicians have been extensively practicing this method after Prof. Bo had imparted his skill to us.  Their learned knowledge and valuable experiences are numerous to be listed in this article.

On 12thApril 2005, I was invited by TCM Professional Centre to give a lecture on Abdominal Acupuncture which had aroused the interests of the attending students. Owing to the steady development and promotion on Abdominal Acupuncture, Singapore Acupuncture Association and Abdominal Acupuncture Research Group strongly believe that this new method of Acupuncture which is painless, effective and willingly acceptable by patients will definitely flourish in Singapore, Malaysia and  South East Asia countries.